What Does The Word ‘Carajo’ Mean?

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The word "Carajo" has come to have multiple uses in all our Hispanic societies and can be used in many expressions, even with different purposes and according to the emphasis that is given, determine its meaning. Carajo possibly the single most used word in our language and seems to be indispensable in our vocabulary.

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According to the Royal Academy of Spanish Language "Carajo" was the name given to the space located in the upper parts of the masts of the old Spanish caravels. It was a kind of basket, which served as a lookout, from which sailors scanned the horizon for enemy ships, location points, or places where they wanted to go.

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  A sailor who was in such a place, which was the top of the mast and the most unstable part of the ship, felt to a greater extent, the movement of the sea.    
The sailor who was sent to stay as a lookout,  who would get completely dizzy after a couple of hours, was considered a harsh punishment and served to give warning to those who committed any offense on board. Hence the term seems to arise "Váyase al Carajo" as an interjection to express a disagreement with someone.


But equally, it also created another expression: "Este tipo está del Carajo" when some sailors were able to tolerate, without major problems, the ship's movements in even the nastiest storms.  
Thus, this word gradually grew into an institution by its multiplicity of uses, which can nearly describe every mood of man, from negative to positive emotions."Esto está más bueno que el Carajo" defines something very attractive or pleasant. But also if we are in a place that we like, we could say "Vámonos pal Carajo."

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If we want to emphasize the mediocrity of someone it is often said, "Es más bruto que el Carajo", yet we can assert our admiration for a lady and say "Está más buena que el Carajo."     And so we could probably fill several pages, writing expression after expression which can be included under the before mentioned word "Carajo", but might entice a reader to proclaim... "Que Carajo es esto"

...!So from now, when you get sent to “El Carajo”, Rejoice! because here we are waiting for you to enjoy the best tapas in Spanish cuisine and the finest wines from around the world all under one atmosphere “Del Carajo”!     Good things take time. We ourselves have had to wait more than five hundred years since that morning of October 12, 1492, when Don Rodrigo de Triana, perched on the carajo of the Spanish ship Santa Maria….said…."Land ahoy"

Look how the years have passed...     Del Carajo! …. But you know what …? In the end, “El Carajo” now has a direction, 2465 SW 17 Ave. And where the carajo is that ..? .... In Miami, of course ..! Donde Carajo would it be.!